Tuesday 4 March 2014

30 Weeks!

30 Weeks!! I have been preggo for 30 weeks already!! Actually 30 weeks and 4 days to be exact...HA!
Some days it feels like its been SO much longer, and other days I just can't believe how fast it has gone. Since this blog is my 'online journal' of our lives, I thought I would complete a fun little Pregnancy Questionnaire to remember my 30 week pregnancy milestone! 

How far along: 30 weeks...only 10 more weeks!!

Baby Size: A butternut squash (17 inches, 3.1 pounds).

Weight Gain: 14 pounds so far

Maternity clothes: Pretty much all of the time! I do have a few 'non maternity' shirts/cardigans I can still wear. I am rrreally missing my regular clothes theses day tho!

Stretch marks: None yet! I use my lotions everyday!! Fingers crossed!!

Sleep:  Very hit and miss these days! I seem to wake up to change positions every few hours. My body pillow has been a life saver!

Gender: Girl!!! 

Movement: All.The.Time!! I think peanut is doing gymnastics in my tummy!!

Best moment this week: Getting the call that our crib has FINALLY arrived! Can't wait to pick it up! 

Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound on March 14, Celebrating St. Patrick's Day at school, SPRING BREAK!

Food Cravings: Croissants, Ice cream, Pop corn 
 Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Labor Signs: Not yet thank goodness!!

 What I miss: My regular clothes, getting around easier! 

Symptoms: Back pain but just on my right side! And some lingering bronchitis symptoms...

Nursery: Starting to really come together! Now that the crib has arrived we are only waiting on the recliner/rocker we ordered. I am LOVING the colour scheme we choose!! Pics to come soon!

Belly Button in or out? In...but getting vvvery shallow! ha! Damian is rrreally hoping that it makes a POP sound soon! ha ha 

Wedding rings on or off? On! 

Mood: Tired but SUPER excited for the next 10 weeks!! 

Here's hoping the next few weeks FLY by!!!