Sunday 24 May 2015

Sophia Jo {twelve months}

So here we are...We have a ONE YEAR OLD!! 
This past year has definitely been the best year of my life so far. Watching Sophia grow, change and develop has been the most rewarding, exciting, EXHAUSTING, and wonderful experience ever!! I will cherish this first year of her life forever, and I get even more excited thinking about what the future holds for us all!

In a blink of an eye we went from THIS: THIS: 

Highlights from this Month:

*You are growing like a weed!! At your 'One year check up' you were 25.6 pounds and 32.5 inches. You are now officially OFF THE CHART for your height percentile! Ha!*

*You are ttttttthis close to walking independently!! You can take up to 7 steps all by yourself, however you have figured out that you are a much faster crawler so you just drop and crawl so you can get to things faster!*

*You are VERY social!! You LOVE other people especially other kids and babies! You are quite the 'ham' to anybody that pays attention to you!*

*You love to talk and have figured out that if you 'shout' we will look at you faster ha ha! You can say Mama, Dada, up, and Buba (bottle).*

*You have mastered climbing the stairs. Which is*

*You LOVE to eat and so far will eat anything except for fish! You have also switched to homo milk and you LOVE it! You still like when Mommy holds your bottles and cups...but we are working on getting you to do it more!*

*You went to the park to play for the first time! You loved the swings and feeling the sand!! Mommy was VERY impressed that you didn't try to eat any!!*

*You love to wave, clap, give high fives, and blow kisses!!*

*You are wearing mostly 24 month clothes and size 4/5 shoes! Big girl!!*

*You went and visited your dayhome in preparation for Mommy going back to work! You loved it!! (Thank goodness!!!!)*

*You had your Cake Smash session with Chelsey before your Birthday! You were a little uncertain of the cake at first, but eventually got into it!*

We had another incredible month and the BEST first year ever!!! 

Your new favourite spot...under the table!

First taste of Beer...yikes!! ha!

You still love bath time!

Your first piggies!!

You love your books!!

You also love rattles!!

Your first visit to Kids Fort was a BIG hit!!

Sitting like a big girl for snack!

Crazy girl!!

Good Morning sunshine!

I could snuggle you!!

Visiting your dayhome! Such a big girl!
Enjoying a beautiful Spring night with Daddy in the backyard!

You are SUPER cooperative after bath these days... HA! NOT!!!

You love to pull everything out...and make a big mess!

Fun times at the library!

At Millenium Place play area!
Your new favourite toy....

Beautiful girl!!
Daddy was stealing your Cheerios and you were not impressed!

You are ever SO helpful these days!!
Making yourself comfy on our evening walk!
My girl! 

You share your Mama's love for DQ ice cream!! YUM!
Hanging out with Aunty Rachelle!

You got to be a 'goalie' at Qass's 2nd Birthday Party! You look terrified!! lol

Making a mess is FUN!!!

Toilet paper is the BEST!!

You put your own headband on...can you tell?! 

Still loving your PINK car!

When did you get so big?!?! 

Family selfie at the restaurant!

Happy girl!!

Dinner Time!

Getting all ready for your cake smash session!!

Water break! Eating cake is exhausting!!

Loving Birthday balloons!

Snuggles and a snack with Daddy!

Your first time trying a lime...

Happy Cinco de Mayo! 

Helping Mommy with the Costco shopping!

All about the headstands these days!

First time at the park!

Pure JOY!!
Mmmm Spaghetti night!!

At your One year doctor check up!

Big healthy girl!!
Mommy's last day of Maternity leave!! 

Chilling with Uncle Cody!
Trying on  Mommy's sunglasses...
You got your first timbit after your one year immunizations!
 Special treat!!

Trying out your new raincoat on a rainy day! 

I love you peanut girl!!! 