Monday 30 December 2013

Christmas 2013 Recap!

I LOVE Christmas!! I love spending extra time with family and friends. I love the lights. I love the food. I love the trees and decorations. I LOVE it all!! I always feel a little sad when the Christmas season is over, because it seems to come and go so fast each year! 

Here is a little glimpse of the Christmas season with the Kirchner's this year...

I started off with my annual Christmas Baking Day with Bailey!
We made 25 dozen YUMMY Christmas cookies!!
We LOVE our Kitchen Aide Mixers!! And they just so happen to be red and green! So festive!!

Of course I enjoyed decorating our house all festive for the season!!

Tree #1!!

Tree #2!!

Our VERY special ornament from my wonderful cousin!

We had a 'December BBQ' the week before Christmas! It has been killing my Dad that he isn't able to stand long enough to cook and work in the kitchen so he decided to stand in the -25' and BBQ the burgers! Crutches and all!!!

We went to the Legislature ground to walk around and look at the lights with Cody and Brit one night!

Helping Ma cook all of the Perogies on Christmas Eve! We have always had a 'traditional' Ukrainian meal for Christmas Eve dinner. It is AMAZING!!!

Christmas Eve Festivities at my parents house!

Cody and Brit!

These boys love their WINE!

Cooper was feeling a little left out from all of the yummy perogies...

So I let him open his Christmas gift early!

He was very intrigued! Ha!

Dad and Kel!

Me and Damian! (and peanut!)

After dinner popcorn anybody?!
I have a serious addiction to popcorn...

Back home after a great Christmas Eve dinner and games night!
Snuggling on the couch with my hubby in our Christmas Pj's watching Elf and drinking Hot Chocolate!

Christmas Morning! Santa Came!

Our stockings!
Can't wait for there to be 3 up there next year!!

Merry Christmas! I still look like I'm asleep...ha!

Presents! Spoiled again!!

We headed back to my parents on Christmas mornings to open gifts with them!
Lots of stockings at there house!!

Ma and Pa opening gifts!

Kellen, Cody and Brit!

Spoiled AGAIN!

Brit (and Cody) knows us VERY well!
Gift cards in a CANDY BOUQUET!! YUM!

I brought brunch to my parents house on Christmas morning!
This is us just preparing the fruit!

Later in the day we headed to Damian's parents to celebrate Christmas day with them! And unfortunately I only took 2 pictures!! Terrible!!

This is their beautiful Christmas tree!

The table all set for the VERY delicious meal!!

We had a nice and relaxing Boxing day and enjoyed our last visit with Cody as he headed back up to Alaska for the remainder of the school year! I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that in 4 months when we get to see him again little peanut will be here!!!

On December 27th Damian FINALLY completed his 2013 New Years Resolution!! He learned to skate!! He had actually skated before in his life...but hasn't since he was a kid! And he managed to put off completing his resolution for almost an entire year!! Even with the many million reminders I gave him monthly! Ha! It was a freezing cold day but he battled through and did it! And my Dad even came out to cheer and coach him on!! SOOO proud of you babe!!

Me and Coopy Chillaxing at my parents house! We were VERY tuckered out from all of the Christmas festivities!

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Holiday season with their friends and family!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS from The Kirchner's!

Sunday 29 December 2013

A little 'Bumpdate'...

Well hello there! My poor blog has been a little neglected lately! I have been so busy, and just wasn't inspired to 'blog' for the past month...but I'M BACK! And have lots to share about our life these days! First off I would like to to thank everyone for all of the kind words, wishes, emails, text messages and phone calls we recieved about our exciting 'peanut' news! We are still over the moon happy and counting down the days until we can finally meet our lil peanut in person!! 

Peanut has been busy growing...and in turn, so have I! 
Here is a little 'bumpdate' for you all...

As you may have noticed, I do not have an '18 Week' picture...At my latest doctors appointment and ultrasound they dated me as being further along than we first thought and have changed my due date to the beginning of May now! Thus, we kinda lost 'week 18', hence the no picture!

I can't beleive that I am over half way there already! Time is flying bye!!
We are now starting to prepare the nursery, buy lots of fun 'baby' things, and taking some time to enjoy our last few months as a family of 2!!

Monday 9 December 2013

Birthday Boy!

November is a busy BIRTHDAY month in our family! And for whatever reason this year, November seemed to disappear right before my eyes! At the beginning of the month we celebrate my Mother in laws birthday, in the middle of month we celebrate my Moms birthday, and at the end of the month we celebrate my wonderful husbands birthday! 

On November 29 Damian celebrated his 28th birthday! Thank goodness he FINALLY caught up to me!! I was beginning to feel a little old...ha! And lucky for him, he got to celebrate his birthday for 3 days straight! Lucky boy he is!! 

On the Friday night we went out for dinner at our FAVORITE restaurant, Corso 32! It is AMAZING!! We had the tasting menu, which is 6 courses of the best food you have ever eaten!! Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures as I was inhaling my food...ha ha! 

My handsome hubby enjoying a birthday cocktail!

The only food item I took a picture of...Dessert of course!

After our delicious meal at Corso, we headed to a little lounge around the corner for some drinks with Damian's best friend.

Me and the birthday boy!

Then on the Saturday night we had Damian's parents over for dinner to celebrate! Again, sorry for the lack of pictures! I was busy cooking/hosting! 

Birthday boy!
With his blueberry lemon cheesecake dessert! By request of course!

Then Damian's birthday weekend ended with a mini celebration at my parents house at Sunday dinner. It actually turned into a double celebration, as my Dad had just FINALLY come home from the hospital a few days prior! That is also why we are eating in the family room, just in case you were wondering! 

Getting Damian's cake ready! I was pretty aggressive with the lighter apparently ha!

He was SUPER EXCITED I made him wear the birthday hat!! Can you tell?! 

Yay! Happy Birthday! Again!! Ha!

And then presents! Lucky boy!!

And that is how we celebrated Damian's 28th Birthday! It was a wonderful weekend and alot of fun! And I've already started planning for next year as it will be his GOLDEN birthday finally! He will be 29 on the 29th!!! So very exciting!!

Happy Birthday Damian!! I hope you have the most amazing year ever!!
I love you SO very much!!!
