Saturday 23 February 2013

A tasty little treat!

So one of my favourite things to do is cook/bake! Having my very own kitchen has been one of the best parts of being a home owner!! I just thought I would share a little pinterest find that I made a few times now, and is getting RAVE reviews from everyone! It is soooo easy peasy to make, yet so darn delicious! 

All you need is this: 

Melt some butter, and spread all over the tortillas. Sprinkle the cinnamon/sugar mixture onto the tortilla. Cut into wedges, and bake for 10 minutes at 350'F. 

Then take them out of the oven and place them onto a serving dish to cool a bit. (you also need to have a lil sample at this point!!) 

Melt some chocolate, cut up some strawberries, and VOILA....

You get this! Dessert Nachos!!  DELICIOUS!!! 
I put mine on a fancy heart plate because I was taking this dessert to a valentine's day get together! 

I love this recipe because it's quick, easy, and everyone seems to love it!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Love is in the air...

Happy belated Valentine's Day! I hope your day was as filled with love as mine was! This was an exciting Valentine's Day for us this year, as it was our first as a married couple. It is still very thrilling to me to be able to buy cards that say 'to my husband' on them.... though I'm sure the novelty of that will wear off soon ha! Valentine's Day was on a Thursday this year, so that meant that I had to get through a day with 25 chocolate crazed six year old before I could enjoy the evening with my husband! It actually was an awesome day with my kiddies and WAY to much candy and chocolate was consumed! Teacher included!! 

I have had a tradition in my classroom since my first year of teaching (5 years already!!) that on Valentine's Day we always make 'Friendship Fruit Salad'. I started doing this because I wanted to do something 'healthy' at our class Valentine's Day party to counter balance all the darn sugar......
AND because its super fun and the kids love 'cooking'! 

Everyone brought in a piece of fruit to contribute to our
 'Friendship Fruit Salad'

After lots of chopping and making a disaster on our desks...
 we got THIS!
Then we decided we should pppprobably dip all of that yummy fruit in we had a yummy chocolate fondu as well! It was a hit with everyone! Chocolate was eeeverywhere by the end though!

Anything dipped in LOTS of chocolate
sounds like a good idea to me!!
 The kids LOVED it!!

We ended the day with the ever so exciting Valentine card exchange! It still amazes me how excited they get over those silly little cards!! But hey, whatever keeps them happy :) 
Oh, and these were the Valentine's I made for my kiddies this year! Of course, this was a pinterest inspired project! The kids were really stoked on their glow bracelets and they all came to school the next day wearing them! Too cute! 
And check out this super cute candy dish that one of my amazing students made me! I was so impressed with the neat idea!! Plus it was a nice change from the 20 boxes of chocolates and treats I got from the rest of the group!!
I also got a special delivery at the end of the school day! 
My wonderful hubby had these delivered for me at school! 
I am one spoiled girl!!
We celebrated our first married Valentine's Day at The Melting Pot. Yummmmmmy!! We love going there, and always look forward to going for a special treat! We had a wonderful evening and ate WAY.TOO.MUCH. 
Damian and Moi!
Yummy main course fondu!
Chocolate Fondu for dessert!!

CHEERS! Here's to spending many more Valentine's Days together!! 

Saturday 16 February 2013

Celebrating the 100th Day!

We celebrated the 100th day of grade one last week! This is always a SUPER exciting time for my students, and something they have literally looked forward to since day 1! Students had been anticipating the big 100th day party and activities, and I gave them a little taste of what was waiting for them when we reached the 50th day back in November. We had a little `Half way there`party which was super fun!

 The official 100th day of school was February 7th.
 This is what our day looked like! 
The kids had a blast, and I felt like I had been running in circles for 100 hours! I was the teacher organizer for all of the days events so it was a FUN but llllllong day!! 

First Up...
We spent the morning doing special `100`centers with all of the kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2 students in our school(approx. 215 students). Students were assigned teams and they travelled around with their team to different classrooms to complete a center. 

I was in charge of the `Trail Mix`center! Students counted out 10 of each snack and made some yummy trail mix! I enjoyed all of the snacking helping I got to do! 
This is what snacks for 200+ kids looks like!
All ready to go! I had my work cut out
for me re-filling the bowls every few minutes!
They were all concentrating SO hard to count
 out10 snacks 10 times! Too cute! 
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the other centers, as I was stuck in my own classroom! But my kids sure had a blast! They did a whole whack load of awesome 100th day activities! 

In the afternoon we spent time in our own classroom, completing some of my favorite 100th day activities with my students. 

We played `100 Chart Art`BINGO!

Our principal came and read us `100th day Worries`and gave us special 100th day pencils and bookmarks!

We had a competition to see how many times we could write our names in 100 seconds! My poor lil kiddies with very traditional names with 9+ letters didn`t do so well!! Ha!
The winner was Kanza! She wrote her name 24 times! 

Students played `Roll to 100` with a partner. They are getting so awesome with their math skills!! Yippee!!

The big finally of our day was a CAKE PARTY! I made a BIG 100th day cake and invited all of the students parents to join us for cake at the end of the day! We had a great day and this was the perfect way to end it! 
The cake! It may not look that large in the picture
but I used 4 cake mixes!! ha ha
 It was large!!
Cake time!
Cake time!
We even had some younger
siblings join us for cake!

Happy 100th day of School!! 
Now only 91 more days until summer vacation....ha ha!

Sunday 10 February 2013

The BIG 2-6!

So we celebrated my middle brothers birthday this week! My brother Kellen turned 26 on February 4th, and according to him, being 26 felt the exact same as 25! Go figure!! I would have to disagree though. 
I remembering turning 26, and all of a sudden feeling 'old'!!

Kellen and I have always been very close! I am actually very close to both of my brothers, however with my 'baby' brother living in Alaska 9 months out of the year playing hockey, I don't get nearly enough time with him anymore!! Kellen and I are are only 18 months apart, so naturally we were each others first 'best friends'. I would play trucks and Lego and hockey with him, if he would play dress-up and house and dolls with me! We got along most of the time, as far as I can remember, and in elementary school I always thought it was nice having a brother only one grade behind me each year. As we grew up, our groups of friends seemed to blend together because we were so close in age! As we have become adults we continue to be very close, but now our conversations have shifted to what color of bathroom towels to get for our homes, or how to cook a spaghetti squash in the microwave! ha ha! 

It was just Kel and I for a few years...and then came Cody! 

The 3 of us! 

This year Kellen's birthday fell on the Superbowl weekend, which is fitting for a guy who is actually named after an NFL player! Good work Dad! ha ha.
 So we had a Birthday/Superbowl party to celebrate! 

Kellen and Me! 
Me, Damian and Kellen! 
Ma and Pa and Kellen!
Happy Birthday Brother!! I hope you have an amazing year! You deserve nothing but the BEST in your life! 

Love ya!! 

Friday 8 February 2013

Another Resolution...

I have another New Years Resolution that I have been meaning to get around too...

My Silhouette CAMEO! 

I was given this amazing machine for my birthday from my wonderful parents! I had done a lot of research on these types of machines and after finding a TON of awesome things I could make for my classroom, I decided this was the one for me! you can tell from the picture...its STILL in the box!!!! And for people who know me well, you are probably thinking...Isn't your birthday in SEPTEMBER!?!
 Ummm yes, yes it is! That sad, lonely, expensive machine has been sitting in my basement for 5 months!!

So that is another goal of mine! To get that baby out of the box, hooked up to my computer, and making beautiful things for my classroom! Eventually I would like to start making cards as well, but I'm starting with baby steps. Bringing it up to my office, out of the cold basement is a start!!! HA! 

So I will be back....hopefully sooner than show you some of the creative things I come up with!
 I will turn THIS:

3 POUNDS of colourful paper (courtesy of my mother in law at Christmas) into something beautiful!! 
Fingers crossed! 

Saturday 2 February 2013

A little bit of Pinterest...

Pinterest!! Enough said. It is my current obsession, although apparently I am not the only one!! I would have to say that my love for Pinterest started in August when we got home from our wedding and I still had a remaining month left of my summer vacation. I would check Pinterest every few days for a recipe to try, a decorating tip, or an idea to try out in my classroom! In late August, I started my new teaching job with my new school board, and was gifted my very own Ipad! I was beyond thrilled...although I was not aware at the time how my new Ipad would lead to hours and hours on my new favourite website! Because now I could browse all that Pinterest has to offer from the comfort of my bed! ha ha. And that is when Pinterest started really taking over my life house! I have always been a 'do it yourself' kind of person. I have never liked the idea of paying someone to do something I would be able to make or do, so I decided I better start doing some of the projects I had been 'pinning'.

So here are a few of my 'Pinterest Inspired Projects' that I have completed thus far! I am sure there will be mmmany more to come...

Our picture wall! It is all wedding pictures right now!

                  My whiteboard Menu Board! I am a planner so this helps me organize our meals for the week! 

 My Pumpkin cheese ball that I made for Thanksgiving dinner!

 My decorative plate wall! The top white plate is my Grandma's china. The middle white plate is my Great Grandma's china. The rest I bought from random stores over time! 

 This is in our bedroom. I wrote our wedding song on the frame around a picture of our first dance! 

 I decided I needed to 'pretty' up the bulletin board in my husbands office area. I painted it brown and used some ribbon and hot glue to fancy up the border! 

I have also jumped on the pinterest 'freezer meals' bandwagon and am LOVING having meals all ready to go in the freezer! I would take a picture of my freezer...but it's really not that exciting! 

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!
 I'm off to eat some fancy cheese and drink some wine malibu!