Tuesday 24 February 2015

Life Lately...

Well I'm not exactly sure where the month of February went?! But somehow we find ourselves in the last week of the month already! I had full intentions of catching up on some blogging this month....however that clearly did not happen. So here is a little 'life lately' post to show you what we have been up to this busy month of February! 

I did some VERY basic decorating for Valentine's Day!

Damian and I celebrated the week before Valentine's Day, by going for a nice lunch and then for a couples massage! It was WONDERFUL!!

Then we spent some time at the University Hospital when Damian SEVERELY dislocated his thumb in his basketball game. I will spare you the AWFUL pictures of what his thumb looked like...but just picture a thumb sticking out the palm of your hand...like NO thumb should be able to do!! ACK!! 

Sophia was very intrigued with Daddy's splint and was 'kissing' it better!

I hit up the 'going out of business' Target sales! The sales were actually not all that impressive...but I am REALLY going to miss having Target here!!

My sweet niece Charlotte Lillian was born!! She is pretty dang cute!!

 After being on a waiting list for almost THREE YEARS I finally got my tonsils out! Isn't this a glamorous picture of me?! The surgery itself went great! My recovery after was BRUTAL! 
It was a REALLY terrible 10 days!! 
 My diet consisted of this...
 ...and this! 

We had a VERY low key Valentine's Day, as I was still recovering from my surgery! But we still had to dress up little miss in her festive attire!
 Happy FIRST Valentine's Day Sophia!!

 Beautiful flowers from Damian! Sophia got her first rose from Daddy!

Enjoying some Valentine's Day Pizza on her new plate!

But the plate didn't last long...ha!

And neither did her pants apparently...ha ha!

 Sophia has gotten REALLY good at turning our family room into a toy explosion zone!!

We celebrated our FIRST Family Day as a family of THREE!

 We celebrated Ava's 4th Birthday at the bouncy place! 
Sophia LOVED jumping!! 

I will OFFICIALLY have the sister that I have wanted my entire life!
 I could not be happier for these two!! 

 And that was our month!! 
I'm hoping March doesn't pass by so quickly...

Monday 16 February 2015

Sophia Jo {nine months}

THIS boggles my mind!!
 Holy moly, where did my tiny 7 pound baby go?!
It seems like overnight my baby girl has grown into a little girl. A little girl...with a BIG personality! This past month has probably been one of the best yet!! Sophia continues to change at the speed of light, and this month she hit many new milestones. She got her fist TWO bottom teeth, really started to figure out the whole crawling and moving thing, and said her first word!! It had been one wonderful thing after the next! And like I mentioned before, she sure has developed a personality. This past month is seems like she has perfected her very own 'stink eye', as well as MANY other hilarious faces. She sure keeps us laughing!! 

Highlights from this month...

*Your TWO bottom teeth showed up on the very same day! FINALLY!! We are pretty certain your next teeth are on their way as well...*

*You are on the move! We can't leave you unattended even for a moment anymore as you have gotten really good at flopping onto your tummy and taking off!*

*You have also figured out how to pull yourself up onto things. You also love to 'walk' with us as we hold your hands!*

*You said your first word!! Da da!! Hopefully Mama is next...ha ha!*

*You are sleeping!! We completed a 2 week sleep therapy program with you and it really worked!! HOORAY!!*

*You officially outgrew your baby 'bucket' car seat, so we had to get you a new 'big girl' car seat! You weren't so fond of it as first, but you quite enjoy it now!*

*You got to have a short visit with Uncle Cody when he came home for 3 days!*

*You are weighing in at 23 pounds! You are also wearing 12-18 month clothes now! Almost out of the 'baby section'!! This makes Mommy very sad!!*

*You celebrated Uncle Kellen's Birthday, Great Grandma's birthday, and your first Valentine's Day!*

*You met your new friend Hayley all the way from Germany!!*

*You started your second round of swimming lessons and you are LOVING it!!*

*You watched your first Super Bowl! And you even sampled a few of the snacks!*

*You have started to giggle all of the time! And it is the SWEETEST sound ever!!*

Yummm...eating Mommy's necklace!
Hanging out with Aunty Kim at Great Grandma's 80th Birthday!

All smiles!
Just lounging in your diaper!

Playing with Henrik!

On the move!

Took big for the baby car seat!!
Last trip in the bucket seat...

HELLO big girl!!

All ready for bed! Story time first!
First time eating yogurt!

Sunday dinner snuggles with great grandma!

Pajama play date with Harper! These are the BEST days!!
Riding in the cart like a big girl!


Having a snack while Mommy makes dinner!

Sophia LOVES playing with Tupperware!!


After dinner walk!

Holding hands with miss Hayley!
Hanging out at the Ice on Whyte festival!

Afternoon workout session with Daddy! 

Uncle Cody is home!!
A little after dinner yoga!


Sophia LOVES her Uncle Cody and Aunty Brit!!
Check out that pout...

Chewing on EVERYTHING!!

Swimming lessons!
Hitting the road in the pink car!

Enjoying her new toy corner!

Family trip to the Muttart for lunch!

Morning snuggles in Mommy and Daddy's bed are the BEST!
Check out those teeth!!
My pretty girl!!

Helping Uncle Kellen unwrap his Birthday gifts!

YUM! Party hats are delicious!

Still loving her jolly jumper!

Kissing Daddy's finger all better!

We've got a climber on our hands!!

Those moccasins were mine when I was a baby! Now Sophia gets to wear them!
Toast for breakfast!

On the climb again!

Sweet girl!!

Hitting the road!!

Just like her Momma...reading a cooking magazine!!