Friday 22 January 2016

Friday Favourites....I'M BACK!

Yahoo it's FRIDAY! 
I'm linking up this week with AndreaErika, and Narci for Friday Favourites! If you have a blog, you should link up with your favourites from the week too! 

Sooooo...I'M BACK!!
After taking an unintentional 4 month break from this little blog of mine, I am back! And I am going to try my very best to start blogging again on a regular basis. I have 4 months and about about 76846904 pictures to catch up it may take some time!! 

This is what has been happening in our little world this week...

I made these Monster Cookies and they are pretty much 
Try them!! I guarantee you will NOT be able to eat any less than 3 at a time!! 

One of my besties little girl is turning ONE in a few weeks so she asked if I could help make a few things for her cake smash and party! I LOVE doing stuff like this, and had a blast creating these special items for her!! 

Costco trips with my little family are always a favourite!
And Sophia is a BIG fan of the samples!!

My January theme in Kindergarten is Polar Bears so we made igloos this week! The kids LOVED this activity and I was so impressed with how well they did!

I was bringing home a bucket full of items from my sensory bin at school and Sophia decided to make her own little sensory bin and hoped right in to play! Works for me!! ha!

And that is about all for this week!! 
Ahhhh it feels good to be back on the blog!
Now I just need to keep it up again!! Thanks for stopping by!