Tuesday 4 August 2015

May 2015 *3 months late*

Our summer has been wonderful and VERY busy! Which explains my lack of blogging lately. But since this is my little 'online' journal, I still want to document what's been happening the past few months! Soooo we are heading WAY back to May today.

The first part of May way busy and filled with Sophia's birthday preparations and Mother's Day. This is what the rest of our month looked like...

Sophia loves to eat hummus! And make a big mess!!

And she won't wear her own sunglasses but LOVES to steal mine to try on!! 

Sophia had her one year immunization and they were not fun!! 
So I rewarded her with her first Timbit! She was a BIG fan!! 

A few days after Sophia's first birthday, we took her for her first haircut! She was very confused at first, but then loved trying to jump around in her little car and chat with the little girl beside her! 

She was loving the little girl sitting next to her!! 

Thank goodness for the distraction toys they have!! 

My babies little hairs! Ha ha 

Looking all fancy!

So pretty!

The only reason we took her to this place for her first hair cut is so we could get the 'fancy' certificate! ha! #crazymomalert

Sophia decided that books were a tasty treat!

Our little ham!

We had some HOT and beautiful days in May, so we spent lots of time enjoying the new water table and pool that Sophia got for her birthday!

Sophia also cut all FOUR of her molars within 2 weeks, 
so that lead to lots of cuddles and late nights due to teething!

We were thrilled that Uncle Cody and Aunty Brit came home for the summer!
Sophia 'relaxing' in her new lounger! 

Trying out her tent with Daddy!
More water table FUN!

We celebrated Cody's 25th Birthday with a night at the horse races!
 It was a lot of fun!!

Sophia was not walking yet at this point, but had figured out how to open the bag cupboard and throw the bags everywhere! 

Looking all sporty!

Her new way of sitting in her stroller for our evening walks!

Tuckered out after a fun day at her dayhome!

My first piece of artwork from Sophia! 
She made this at her dayhome! I love those little fingers and toes!
Trying on her new hat for San Diego!

Who needs toys when you can play with Daddy's cell phone and a granola bar wrapper!

I became OBSESSED with S'more Oreo's!! Holy YUM!

Checking herself out at my parents house!

Sleeping beauty!!

Sophia has mastered dumping all of her toys out and making a lovely mess!

We celebrated Cinco De Mayo at my parents house with a yummy Mexican feast!

We are so festive!

Sophia couldn't figure out her sombrero! ha!

And my brother continued to kick butt at being a manager for Homes by Avi!! #proudsister

Enjoying the beautiful Spring weather!

Fun times at the park!!

Sophia's favourite part about going to the park is the sand! 
Especially trying to eat it!!

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