Thursday 10 September 2015

My Kindergarten Classroom!

Today I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for her 'Teacher Talk' link up! This week is all about our classrooms, and since I have just moved classrooms AGAIN, I thought I would show off my new Kindergarten room! 

Welcome to my classroom...

This is the view from the door.

View from the front.

And the other side. 

This is my 'Meeting' area with my kiddos!

All set up and ready for the first few days of school.

Our classroom library.

The front of my classroom. 
I am LOVING my new Ikea shelf that holds all of my Math Boxes! 

My little desk area. Which is very hard to keep clean these days!

My favourite bulletin board in my room! Full of all my favourite people! 

The writing center.

This is the main bulletin board in my classroom. It will hold current work for each student!

Toys and activities for centers.
 And my environmental print board. Students will be bringing in more examples of environmental print that they can already 'read'!

The sensory table! This is has been a favourite so far with my kinder kiddos!
 Who knew how much fun dyed green rice could be?! ha!

Weekly Focus wall.
We've only had 2 days of school so I haven't put anything up here yet!

Our Instagram board! I saw this idea on Pinterest and fell in love with it.
 I have first day of school pictures to put up for each student.

Student tables.

Our word wall.

I am fortunate enough to have a 'bonus room' as part of my Kindergarten classroom. This little room joins my room with the other Kindergarten room, and we have turned it into the 'Imagination Station'. 

It has our 'home living' center set up currently.

And a water table and lots of water/sand toys.

And the building center.

And that is my Kindergarten room!! 
It was a busy summer setting it all up, but it was totally worth it! 

And just for fun...This is what it looked like before I started setting it all up!


  1. wow! i only hope that when my son goes to kindergarten next year, his classroom is half as amazing!
    You did a wonderful job!

    1. Thank you so much! It was fun to set up. Thanks for reading!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, this is a beautiful & cutely decorated classroom!

  4. Such a colorful and organized classroom! I want to go back to kindergarten and be in your classroom! Have a great school year!

    1. Thank you so much. We do have lots of fun!!

  5. I am so jealous of all your bulletin boards. I have to share my classroom with a Sunday School class so we are limited in wall space and what I could create if only. I love your sensory table. I change mine out monthly and have more fun creating that. From Andrea's Classroom Tour link up. Great ideas here.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I'm very lucky to have as much wall space as I do. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. such a fun and creative room! any chance you want to move to Madison, ms to teach my daughter next year? ;)

  7. Haha, well that's a little too far from home for me! But thank you so much!!
