Thursday 12 September 2013


Today I turn 28 years old!! Yikes that's hard to believe!! I definitely feel like I'm getting older, although according to the clerk at the dollar store I look like I'm in grade 12!! Ha! Ummm,thank you?!

So I've kinda set the tradition on this little blog of mine, to do a special blog post on whomever is celebrating their birthday. And since today it's ME, I thought I would do something a little bit different!

 So here it goes...

28 random things about ME on my 28th birthday! 
(Some things you may already know and some things might surprise you!)

1. I have BIG feet! Like size 10 kinda big! It makes it extremely hard to find nice looking shoes most of the time because they never have my size!!

2. I went to my very first football game when I was 2 weeks old! Guess that's what happens when your Dad is the head coach and your born in the middle of football season!

3. I moved 1 time from the age of 0-22. I moved 6 times from the age of 22-26! Ha!! Don't worry...I don;t plan on moving again for at least 10 years!! 

4. I LOVE peanut butter!! I currently have 4 varieties in my pantry! Regular, Whipped, Cinnamon Raisin, and Banana granola! And I wish they would sell peanut butter Cheerios in Canada!!!

5. I am ALWAYS cold! No matter the temperature outside I am freezing and have the heat blasting in my vehicle! My friends just lllllove this!! Ha! And because of my coldness, I am a big time SCARF lover!! I have collected so many scarves over the years that I need 2 hanger to hold them all!

I LOVE me some scarves!!
6. When I was 18 I spent a whole month in England visiting my friend Nicola! It was an amazing trip and I pretty much got to see the whole country!! And I seriously can't believe that it's been 10 years since we have seen each other!! 

7. I danced competitively for 17 years! I did ballet,pointe,jazz,tap, lyrical, modern, hip hop and musical theatre. Tap was always my favourite tho!! 

8. My favourite color is RED and has been for as long as I can remember!

9. I met my husband at a wedding! He was the best man and I was the Maid of Honor! And the rest is history...

10. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was about 5 years old. Apparently even my first grade teacher saw the bossy girl teacher in me! This was my last grade one report card...

11. I love TOMS. I have 6 pairs and I wish I could wear them to school everyday! This is currently my favourite pair!

12. I did a year in the Dance Program at Grant MacEwan before I entered the Faculty of Education. And I HATED it!!! Dance was always my passion but I NEVER wanted to make it my career!!

13. I have loved to cook since a very young age! I still have my very first cookbook that my Mom and Dad gave me for my birthday one year. The pages are falling out and its been spilt on many times! But I will never get rid of it!

14. I am a candle person!! I have a candle burning in our house all.of.the.time!! And of course they always match the season! I think I am helping Bath and Body works stay in business! Ha!
My candle stash!
15. Speaking of Bath and Body works...I also may have a slight obsession with their soap as well....ha ha....this is my soap husband says I have a

16. I have never smoked anything in my entire life! Not even a cigarette! And neither has my 60 year old father!! I have always been impressed by that considering he was a professional athlete!

17.  I was a camp councillor for 3 summers while I was in university. It always shocks people that at one time I was a VERY 'outdoorsy' person!

18. I have had the same core group of friends since I was in grade 7!! And my longest friendships have been with the twins!! They were probably my first 'real' friends in grade one! That's 22 years and counting ladies...

19. I eat soup almost everyday for lunch. I make big batches of soup and freeze it! And if I'm not eating soup, I'm probably eating a salad or a wrap!

20. I HATE to read. Ha...good teacher, right?! Let me rephrase that....I LOVE books! Children's books, that is! I do not enjoy reading for entertainment. I am fairly sure 5 years of university ruined that for me! However I have a passion for children's books and have collected A TON in my 6 years of teaching! This is my office at home...

21. I played hockey for 1 year. I took a year off from dancing because the politics got to be a little insane and decided I wanted to try it out! I LOVED it!! But I also missed dance ALOT, so I returned the year after!

22. I am not a breakfast person! I love breakfast food, but I would MUCH rather eat it leisurely at 10:00am, rather than in a rush at 6:00am! Breakfast for dinner days are my favourite!!

23. In high school I loved the show Trading Spaces! I would watch it every weekend!! I have always been big into decorating and diy projects! Its been awesome having a big house to decorate and redecorate over the last few years! I love posting my little home projects on my blog!

24. I have the best and most crazy family in the whole wide world!! I love these 6 people to the moon and back!!!!

25. When I was 18 years old I went sky diving with some of my 'camp councellor' friends. It was one of the coolest things I have done in my life for sure! My poor parents were completely mortified that I was going to jump out of an air plane, so they came to watch...just in case...Ha!

26. I do not eat leftovers. I think they are totally gross!! Food sitting in its own 'grime' for a week makes me ill.  I cook a new meal for dinner every night, and any leftovers that we have my husband takes for lunch the next day! I do have ONE exception tho....I WILL eat cold pizza leftovers the next day! Ha! YUM!

27. My 'dream job' would be an Educational Advisor/Consultant for student athletes! Or owning my own private preschool! Guess we shall see what the future holds...

28. I started this blog 8 months ago and have REALLY enjoyed the experience so far!! And what shocks me is that people actually read it!! I have over 7000 page views! If you are reading this right now I would like to THANK YOU!! You are contributing to my little blog journey and I am forever grateful!!

WOW! If you made it through all of that WAY TO GO! HA! 
Apparently I am a fairly random person!! 

Happy Birthday to ME!

Thank you to everyone for making this past year an amazing one!! 
This next year is going to be just as exciting!!
 Bring on 28!!

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