Thursday 10 July 2014

Sophia Jo {Two Months}

It's hard to believe that our little peanut girl is two months old already! She has made our life so much better and I can barely remember what our life was like without her! I can't believe how much she has changed again this month!! She is definitely developing her own little personality and its so exciting to watch her begin to explore the world around her! Now if she could only figure out those things called her hands!! Ha!

Highlights from this month...

*On her 6 week 'birthday' she decided to start sleeping through the night!
Some nights are better than others,but for the most part she is sleeping
between 6-8 hours a night! WOO HOO!!

*She is beginning to focus on things alot more and LOVES staring at herself in mirrors!

*She has developed the sweetest smiles and smirks!
She is SO close to giggling and we cannot wait to hear it for the first time!!

*We have said goodbye to newborn clothing and diapers!
She is wearing size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes now!

*She is an eating machine and now has the cutest little rolls on her legs!

*She prefers to be held facing out most of the time now, so that she can see everything that is going on!

*Still not a fan of the soother...but we have made SOME progress this month!

*At her 6 week doctors appointment she was 11 lbs 6 oz and 23 inches long!
She is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight! Ha!!

*She LOVES her car seat and will ALWAYS fall asleep on walks and in the car!

*She is VERY close to being able to hold her head up all by herself! And she loves to 'stand' on our legs and push herself upwards! She is a very strong little girl!!

*She attended her first parade and campfire...and slept through most of it!

*She loves to be cuddled and bounced all.of.the.time!!
Her favourite place to be is still in someones arms!
We don't dare put her down for very long...ha!

*She LOVES bath time!!

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