Thursday 13 November 2014

Sophia Jo {Six months}

Well it's official... I am in complete denial!! 
Don't get me wrong...I am thrilled that she is getting older and smarter and cuter and more independent...but what I can't believe, is that this beautiful little girl has already been a part of our lives for HALF A YEAR!! That just boggles my mind!! It may also be because she is the size of a 9 month old! Ha! Our little Sophia is definitely thriving...and is still in the 98 percentile for height and weight! She is still as smiley as ever and loves to 'talk' to anyone who will listen. She has also learned how to SCREAM! And I am NOT talking about a cute baby shriek...I am talking EAR PIERCING TOP OF THE LUNGS SCREAMING. It was cute for about 5 seconds and now it just makes me want to pop a bottle of Advil every time she starts. Ha!  Sophia loves to cuddle, but also loves to be constantly jumping and moving and kicking! She had a fun time at Halloween, though the whole 'dressing up' thing was not her favourite part! It was another wonderful month with our lil peanut girl!! Now I just need to figure out how to slow down time...

Highlights from this month
*You have started eating solid foods!! Sometimes you feed yourself and sometimes you want to be fed. So far you like everything you have tried! Applesauce, sweet potato, butternut squash, carrots, avocado, honeydew melon, banana and rice crackers!

*You LOVE your feet! You get very confused when you have slippers or socks on and work really hard at getting them off so you can see your toes! 

*You are turning into quite the little fishy at the swimming pool! We take you swimming once a week and you have started to kick and splash and grab for all the water toys!

*You celebrated your first Thanksgiving and Halloween!

*You are sitting!! You are still a little bit wobbly but you are getting better at it each day!

*You still have no teeth but we are certain they must be on the way! You are a drool monster and will CHEW on ANYTHING!!!

*You had your first cold!! It was heartbreaking for Mommy and Daddy because you couldn't breathe and you didn`t know why! Luckily it only lasted a few days!

*You are still not sleeping great at night BUT have turned into a WAY better napper!! Yahoo!!

*You have experienced winter weather for the first time and its taking some adjusting to getting used to wearing hats and hoodies and your car seat snuggle bag! I don`t think your a fan of winter...just like your Mama!

*You are wearing a size 3 diaper and 9 and 12 month clothing! You are a TALL baby!! 

*You are really starting to `play` with your toys and love anything that makes noise! You also LOVE staring at your self in any mirror! 

*Your hair is really starting to grow and I am having lots of fun with all of your headbands and clips!

*Your little personality is shining through more and more each day and we just LOVE it!!!! Though I am pretty sure you are going to give me a run for my money as soon as you figure out how to move...and talk!!

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