Saturday 18 April 2015

Sophia Jo {eleven months}

Our 'baby' girl is ELEVEN months already!! In just a few weeks we will be celebrating Sophia's FIRST birthday already. It's so hard to believe!! Our life with Sophia seems to get better by the minute. She is definitely a 'toddler' now...on the move constantly, wanting to be independent, eating anything and everything, sleeping like a champ, and flashing that BIG smile to anyone that looks her way! She seems to change so much with each passing day, and its been so exciting to watch her learn how to do so many wonderful things. We had a very busy month!! 

I am so glad that I will have these monthly pictures to look back on, but MAN are they getting hard to take!! Laying on your back in one spot is NOT an easy task for a little girl would loves to be on the move! 

I managed to get one....after about 67940 takes! ha!

Looking like such a big girl!!

Highlights from this month...

*At your last doctors appointment you weighed 25.2 lbs and were 31.5" long! So pretty much your a GIANT for your age!! ha ha! We love our little giant baby!!*

*You have SEVEN teeth!! 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom!*

*You are FEARLESS and a climbing machine. You love to climb ANYTHING. And will DIVE off of the couch or the bed at any given time! You are one crazy girl!!*

*You want to walk so badly!! You can stand for a few seconds unassisted so I'm sure it won;t be long until you take you first few steps!*

*You celebrated your first St.Patrick's Day with yummy green pancakes and rainbow fruit!*

* You met the Easter bunny and celebrated your first Easter! You loved your Easter basket and all of the yummy food we ate!*

*You caught your first flu bug and it was AWFUL! You were one sick girl!*

*You are eating pretty much everything now and we will be introducing you to real milk in the new few weeks!*

*You have become a big time mover when you are sleeping! You flip flop all over the place every night!!*

*You are wearing 18 month / 2T clothing....#bigbabyproblems

*You love to wave goodbye to everyone and have just figured out how to blow kisses too! It's pretty darn cute!!*

*You are the HAPPIEST baby!!! (Unless your tired or hungry...just like your Momma! ha ha) 

Your month in pictures...

You went to your first dance competition to cheer on Anna!

Last swimming lesson with daddy!

Eating peanut butter toast for the first time!


On the move!

Our lucky girl!

Crazy girl...

Green veggie straws on St.Patrick's Day!

Breakfast time!

Eating Mommy's slipper?!

Giving herself kisses!

Playdate with her friend Natalie!

Head to toe PINK!

Trying to stand!

Playing at Millenium Place!

Smiley girl!

Pull ups with Daddy!

Is there something on my head?!

Who needs toys?! I love toplay with the recycling!!


After nap snuggles!


Look at those teeth!!

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Snacks with Grandpa!

The gate is UP!!

Just helping herself to a snack from the pantry!

Showing Daddy her Bball moves!

Teething is no fun! Snuggles make it better!

She loves to stand and play with her shoes!

Toys, toys, and MORE toys!

Good Morning!!

That darn gate again!!

Water break!

Nap time!

Meeting the Easter Bunny! She loved him!

Celebrating Anna's 12th Birthday!!

After party nap!

Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Party girl!

Having a snack out on the deck!! It was so beautiful out!

Big girl!

This is what she thinks about all of the 
pictures I take of her now...

Got ONE nice one...

We had our friends from Mom's Group over!!

My favourite view...
She LOVES to eat socks!!

Lunch date with Uncle Kellen!

Happy Easter!

Easter girls!

Sick little Sophia!

Eating with no hands!

Laying with Daddy!

Fuzzy socks just like Aunty Brit!!

I'm so tired...and sick...

Had to make a visit to the hospital to get some medicine for the darn bug Sophia caught! 
Play date with your bff Harper!

Enjoying the beautiful SPRING weather!

Trying to catch the lady bug on Mommy's arm! 

Then she tried to EAT it!! ha!

Trying to figure out where the heck it went?! 

Another AMAZING month!! 
We love you Sophia girl!! 

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