Thursday 11 September 2014

Sophia Jo {Four Months}

Four months!! Our sweet baby girl is already four months old and changing by the hour it seems! This past month zoomed right on by like they all have been!! Sophia is growing like CRAZY!! She is 16 lbs 10 oz and 27 1/2 inches long! This puts her in the 90th percentile for weight and the 98th percentile for height! Ha! Apparently she is going to be a BIG girl! She eats a TON and is still nursing every 3 hours! This month we saw some changes in our sleep patterns due to growth spurts and the dreaded 4 month sleep regression. UGH! We are hoping this doesn't last too much longer because this Momma misses sleep!! We enjoyed the last month of summer and took advantage of the last few hot days with lots of walks and time outside! Sophia has definitely formed her own little personality and is usually pretty happy and FULL of smiles! 

Highlights from this month...

*You can now hold up your head and have been enjoying the new view of the world you can see all by yourself! You like sitting in your Bumbo chair to check things out! 

*You have started to roll! At first it was just to one side, but now you can roll from front to back!
You are SOOO close to being able to roll from back to front!

*We started going to a singing and story class at the library and you
 LOVE listening to everyone sing and clap!!

*We got your excersaucer out and you have been having fun standing in it! 
All of the toys on it still seem a bit much for you but you are slowly figuring them out! 

*You had your first swimming lesson and did great!! 
Daddy even dunked you under the water and you didn't make a peep! 

*You went golfing with Mommy and Daddy for the first time! 
People were pretty impressed that we just strapped your car seat right onto the golf cart! 

*Now that you are able to roll we had to get rid of the swaddle blanket and have moved you to sleeping in a Sleep Sack! 

*You have become very observant to everything around you! 
You love watching people and what they are doing, and like staring at the TV and cell phones!

* We took you to the Zoo for the first time and you loved looking at the animals! We got to see Lucy the elephant up close while she was out for her walk and you just stared at her! 

*You FINALLY giggled!! It is the cutest little giggle ever!
 But we still have to work pretty hard for it! You mostly just shriek still when your excited! 

* You have started to take a few naps! Woo Hoo!!

* You are out growing clothes like a mad woman!! 
You are wearing 6 month sleepers because your so darn long!!

*You are AWESOME at tummy time now and can hold your head up all the way for quite a long time!

* You have found your hands and LOVE to put anything and everything into your mouth! 
You also drool a TON! Ha!

This is what your month looked like...

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