Sunday 28 December 2014

Christmas 'Wrap Up' 2014

It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone already! There is always so much 'hype' for months leading up...and then POOF its done and gone for another year! I was especially looking forward to Christmas this year, as it would be extra special with it being Sophia's first Christmas!And it really was!!

Our little Santa baby!

In years past we would often go to church with Damian's family on Christmas Eve. However this year we decided that would would like to start our own family traditions. We decided that our Christmas Eve family tradition would include a light supper/appies, getting Sophia dressed in her Christmas Jammie's, going to Candy Cane Lane to look at lights, and then coming home to watch a Christmas movie. Our evening turned out perfect and we all had a great time!!

We had some dinner at my parents house, and Sophia got to open her 'Christmas Eve' gift from Grandma and Grandpa!

She also got a special stuffed animal from Uncle Kellen on Christmas Eve!

Damian and I also opened up all of our gifts from my parents since we wouldn't see them Christmas morning!

Our little family on Christmas Eve! 
Sophia was all dressed in her Jammie's and ready to go look at lights!

Flashback to Christmas Eve 2013...I was almost 6 months preggo!

We left my parents house and headed to Candy Cane Lane!
 I hadn't been to Candy Cane Lane for YEARS so I was really looking forward to it!
 All bundled up and ready to go...

Sophia was pretty bundled up and only had her little eyes poking out!
 But she did like looking at the bright lights!

Modelling her Christmas jammies right before bed time!

After Sophia was in bed we changed into our Christmas pj's, made some hot chocolate, and settled in to watch Elf!

Admiring our Snowman Tree while we watched our movie!

Sophia had a quick PJ change so she could wear her 'Let's open presents' pj's from Uncle Cody and Aunty Brit!

She LOVES Christmas trees!!

Our stockings were hung...


Sophia was very intrigued about her very own stocking!
Although she preferred the bows and ribbons over anything! Ha!

She LOVES shakers!!

Damian's turn to open his stocking!

And then my turn to open my stocking!
I LOVE big calenders! 
Make fun of me all you want...but I will ALWAYS have a paper calendar!
 No matter what kind of technology is out there! 

Playing with her stocking gifts!

 Damian and I gave Sophia her very first PINK car!

Testing out her new ride...

Me sportin' my new Tiffany sunglasses, new scarf, and new sweater!
 I was one spoiled lady!!

This little lady was also SLIGHTLY spoiled!!!

After we opened all of our gifts, it was time to get the turkey in the oven! 
This was our big 18 pound turkey! YUM!

Then it was time to get Sophia in her special Christmas dress! 
This girl makes my heart melt!!!

Then it was time to open MORE presents when all of our families arrived!

I'm fairly certain we could open a toy store in our home now! Sophia is one lucky girl!!

Sophia was REALLY getting into the unwrapping...

When all of a sudden she LAUNCHED herself into the side of our coffee table head first!! Good thing this girlie is TOUGH!! Needless to say we all had a slight panic ha ha! 
But she was OK!!

Working on the turkey!

Yahoo we didn't ruin the turkey! I'll drink to that!! ha!

Damian carving up the bird! And wearing my fancy Christmas 'baking' apron!

Christmas dinner is served! SO yummy!!

Sophia enjoyed her Christmas dinner as well! 
She had turkey for the first time and really enjoyed it!

Kellen, Damian, and I sat at the 'kids table'!
Not sure why they are holding

After dinner we played a super fun game that I found on Pinterest! Everyone had to draw a picture, while I dictated to them the directions. It was pretty entertaining to watch, but the pictures themselves were even more entertaining!!!


Then it was time for a story from the Grandma's, and then bed!

We had the most wonderful Christmas yet! It really was magical having Sophia be part of everything with us. I remember being pregnant at Christmas last year and thinking about having a 7 month old with us for the following Christmas. And here we are! And it was even better than I imagined! The only thing that was missing was having Cody and Brit home with us!! This was the first Christmas EVER that we haven't all been together, so that was very different...but we did get to face time with them and celebrate that way!! The countdown to May, when they will both be home with us, is on!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends!!

Love, Kelsey, Damian, & Sophia 

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