Sunday 24 March 2013

The Friendship Egg

So this post is a 'teacher' post! So for all of you non teachers out there...too bad! :P This is an activity that I did with my kiddos on the last day before Spring/Easter Break! They really enjoyed it, so I thought I would write about it! 

We read the book 'The Friendship Egg' By Megan Bryant. It's a super cute story about a bunny who finds an egg and takes it around to all of his friends to see if it belongs to them. And when he does, they each add a little drawing onto the egg. And in the end, it turns out to be a gift for the bunny from all of his friends! 
Thus 'The Friendship Egg'. 

It is really not as 'cheesy' as I make it sound ha ha...
and my grade ones LOVED IT! 

As I was reading the story to my kiddos I was thinking about how we could make our own friendship eggs. 

So this is what we did...

I gave them each a worksheet with a giant egg on it. They wrote their name in the middle of the egg so they knew that that was their own egg. Then they passed their egg clockwise to the person sitting next to them. I gave them about 45 seconds to draw some kind of little picture onto their friends egg. Then we repeated this. 26 times!!! Until everyone had drawn on each others egg. The kids had a total blast doing this and kept yelling out "hey _____, I have your egg now!!" ha ha ohhhh the excitement! 

Drawing on the Friendship Eggs!

Time to pass the eggs!

Our class set of Friendship Eggs! 
This activity was a real hit with my kiddos and I will for sure being doing it again next year! 

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