Tuesday 7 May 2013

Mother's Day BLING!

Every year I struggle with finding the 'perfect' thing for my students to make for Mothers and Fathers day! I have been teaching for 5 years, and every year I have tried something new and different just to change it up! It seems like every year around this time I ask my own parents 'so what was your favourite thing that me and the boys made you for Mother's Day when we were little??' which always results in a comical conversation about our lovely homely looking art projects. Whats even funnier is that my poor Mom has kept all of our gifts!! Every.single.one. Yikes!! Although they do make a GREAT conversation piece, whenever we need a good laugh!!!

So this year was no different. I needed something for my students to make for Mother's Day, and I really had no idea what to have them do! I knew I didn't want to paint, because my group of kids this year are honestly the WORST painters I have seen in my life! Like SERIOUSLY! No more painting for them!! Your mother does not deserve YUCK on a canvas for Mother's Day!!!

Sooooo I decided on BRACELETS! 
Colourful and different beaded bracelets are very 'in' these days so I figured this would be a great gift! At first I was looking for some nice wooden beads, but had no luck finding any! But then I came across this big bucket of glass beads at Michaels! And they worked perfect!!

Bucket of Glass Beads and Elastic string!
Easy Peasy!

My students had a blast making the bracelets for their Moms! And it was neat to see them picking beads that they thought their mom might like according to a special color or shape. Cute!! 

I was VERY pleased with the final product and 
I think their Mommies will be too!!

Some of the bracelets! 

I'm thinking this Mother's day gift might be a keeper! 
Guess we will have to wait and see what the Moms say about them!! 


  1. They turned out wonderful! I wish you were Kaylie's teacher!

    1. Thanks!! Send Kaylie my way and we will make you some bling!!
